The Compliance module of the MokiManage SDK provides a way to quickly have your app report on a number of compliance checks that cover both the app and the device the app is running on. By reporting items like if the device is rooted/jailbroken or if it is running on an old version of the OS, you can make functionality decisions in your app based on the current compliance status.

A Compliance Report is a collection of compliance checks performed on the device to give a snapshot of security. The structure of this report is comprised of a ComplianceReport class with information about the overall check and an array of ComplianceCheck class objects. Documentation for these classes can be found in the SDK Java Docs.

There are 2 ways to use compliance reports in your application. The first is to initialize compliance checking when you initialize the MokiManage sharedManager in the file.

public class CustomApplication extends Application implements Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
	private MokiManage mmanage;
	private int activeActivityCount = 0;
	private final boolean enableASM = false;
	private final boolean enableAEM = true;
	private final boolean enableCompliance = true;
	private final String appKey = "";
	private final String appID = "";
	private final static Application instance;
	public void onCreate() {
		Context context = this;
		mmanage = MokiManage.sharedInstance(appKey, appID, context, enableASM, enableAEM, enableCompliance);
		instance = this;

When this option is enabled a Compliance Report will be run on every heartbeat. By default this happens every hour. If the heartbeat timer is customized, the compliance report frequency will change accordingly. This method provides a simple, continually updated view to the compliance status of the app and device on the console or, optionally, within the app itself.

The second method is to utilize the IComplianceReportCallback interface. This will allow you to manually get the latest compliance information and utilize it in your application logic.

mokiManage.getComplianceReport(new IComplianceReportCallback() {
	public void reportReceived(ComplianceReport report) {
		if (report != null) {
			//ui work here
		} else {
			//error out or retry here

There is the rare possibility that the return value could be null. This can happen when a compliance report is requested before it is on the server. Just be aware to check for that case in your implementation.